Facts or reality of a no-deal Brexit?
Date published: 10 October 2019
Project Fear 2.0 is steaming ahead unhindered by facts or reality.
The latest scaremongering involves claims that toilet paper supplies will be under threat if there is a no-deal Brexit. Really? How low will the establishment Remainers go in their quest to frighten the bejesus out of us voters?
No doubt manufacturers of loo roll, as well as manufacturers generally, all have an eye on the uncertain future and have made contingency plans to avoid any major disruptions.
The more unrealistic scare stories the Remain supporters invent, the more immune voters become to them. Just look how the original Project Fear turned out for them.
Yours faithfully
Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen
North West Brexit Party MEP
(Not for publication -
87a Castle Street, Edgeley, SK3 9AR
Tel - 0161 519 1180
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.