Man sentenced to 27 years in jail for attempted murder

Date published: 30 August 2024

Following an investigation by Greater Manchester Police's Rochdale CID, Joshua O’Dea (aged 34) from neighbouring Moston, has been found guilty of attempted murder.

He attended Manchester Crown Court yesterday (Friday), where he was sentenced to 27 years in jail, with an additional five years on extended license. 

A further defendant, Cain Hopkins (aged 30), was found not guilty at trial in July 2024.

The sentencing follows an incident on January 14, where emergency services were called to an address on Baguley Crescent in Middleton, following reports that a man had been stabbed.

Prior to this the 24-year-old victim of the attack had been staying with his friend in a caravan parked on Baguley Crescent.

They were woken on the morning of the attack by loud banging and shouting at the door.

O’Dea then forced his way into the caravan with an axe and a knife and set upon the victim.

His motive was money he believed the victim owed him.

O'Dea launched an assault which resulted in him beating the victim, threatening to bite the victim’s ear off if he didn’t pay and cutting his arm with a knife.

The victim managed to escape the caravan and he was later found in the street with serious injuries by members of the public and the police were called.

DC Chauhan said: “This was a terrifying and horrific assault which could have cost the victim his life.

"I am pleased the sentence today reflects the brutality of O’Dea’s actions and demonstrates the zero-tolerance approach we take to violence and knife crime in Greater Manchester.

"Anyone who carries weapons or seeks to bring harm to others will be brought before the courts and GMP will exercise every power at our disposal to ensure victims are protected and offenders brought to justice.”

We all have a part to play in fighting, preventing, and reducing knife crime.

If you know or suspect someone is carrying a knife, please report it immediately.

Greater Manchester Police can be contacted via: or 101.

In an emergency, always dial 999.

Anonymous reports can be made via the independent charity - Crimestoppers - on 0800 555 111, while 11-17-year-olds can make anonymous reports via

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