New Head for E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy

Date published: 10 June 2024

E-ACT Royton and Crompton Academy, part of the E-ACT family of 29 academies, has welcomed its new headteacher Gemma Cottingham this week as she began her new role.  

Gemma previously held the position of headteacher at E-ACT Parkwood Academy in Sheffield, where she had worked since 2011.

Gemma takes over from former headteacher Andrea Atkinson, who has been appointed Executive Headteacher and will oversee E-ACT’s northern cluster of secondary academies. 

Andrea’s new role involves supporting the team at E-ACT Royton and Crompton, as well as the trust’s other northern secondary academies.

She will work closely with Gemma, forming a strong partnership to continue driving forward the success of the academy.  

Gemma said: “I am incredibly excited to be moving across the Pennines to join the E-ACT Royton and Crompton team.

"Andrea and her colleagues have achieved outstanding things and I’m proud to have been given this opportunity to continue that great work.  

“I guided E-ACT Parkwood Academy in Sheffield through the challenging pandemic years and led the team there to secure an Ofsted 'Good' judgement in March 2023.

"I fully understand the energy and dedication that is required to effectively lead an E-ACT academy and I’m committed to providing the high quality leadership that the team and pupils at Royton and Crompton know and expect. 

“I am a strong advocate for E-ACT’s Opening Minds Opening Doors philosophy, which focuses on having uncompromising aspirations for all our young people. 

"I’m a firm believer that every child should be able to succeed due to their own efforts and abilities, not their background, and I’m delighted to have been able to stay with a trust that puts that at the heart of everything it does. 

“I look forward to getting to know the students and staff of E-ACT Royton and Crompton, and developing my role in the wider Oldham community.” 

Andrea, now Executive Headteacher for E-ACT’s North secondary academies, added: “It’s been my absolute privilege to lead the team here at E-ACT Royton and Crompton, and I am so proud of everything the team has achieved. 

“I am delighted to be leaving the leadership of E-ACT Royton and Crompton in very safe hands, and I have every confidence that Gemma will continue the journey of the academy with the same pace and energy,” 

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