Defiant morris men entertain

Date published: 22 August 2021

It was billed as “The Rushcart that never was...”

But despite heavy rain and set against the background of Covid, hundreds turned out across the hills in support of Saddleworth Morris Men’s defiant show that would have been their annual  Rushcart event.

Sadly, their famous two-tonne cart, normally topped with a 13 ft high tower of rushes, remained under wraps and was not towed by the illustrious dance teams, many of whom could not make the event.

Instead the sides, including the much-loved visitors,  danced at several points in Uppermill including The Commie, Hare and Hounds and Saddleworth Museum and later at The Cross Keys and Church Inn.

David Biggs - Saddleworth Morris Men Squire [Pic: Linda Edwards]

At the museum they unfurled the cart’s hand crafted cover with its main reference Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, showing his personal standard. There were named tributes to Ted Kent of Earlsdon Morris Men and Ken George of Moulton Morris Men, both who died earlier this year.

And the reigning monarch’s monogram, a crown and the Tudor Rose, always feature on the Saddleworth Rushcart cover made by Richard Hankinson.

[Pic: Mollie Care of Moulton Northants]

Despite a rainstorm, the Saddleworth Morris Men launched the event with a rousing rendition of “The Rushcart Lads” and an intricate dance which showed, despite not dancing for almost two years, the side had lost none of its nimble dexterity and  had the loyal crowd clapping for more.

As ever, it was a day of splendid floral hats, including  Alphin Rothery, pictured below, the five year old son of Graeme who is a proud member of the illustrious side.

Alphin Rothery

It was ironic the traditional leather badges sold like hot cakes this year because, in addition to its colourful front, the badge became an instant collectors item because it referred to the event that never was...

The Rushcart that never was...

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