‘You’re not welcome in Oldham’: Police called in after McMahon ‘accosted by opponents’ on campaign trail

Reporter: Charlotte Hall, Local Democracy Reporter
Date published: 25 June 2024

Police were called into Oldham on Monday after a general election candidate was ‘accosted’ by a ‘group of opponents’ while out canvassing.

Labour candidate Jim McMahon was door-knocking in Hollinwood, part of the constituency of Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton, when he found his path blocked by six angry men. 

McMahon accused the group, which included a sitting councillor from the Oldham Group independents, of attempting to ‘intimidate’ him and ‘disrupt the democratic process’.

But leaders of the Oldham Group, who were involved in the incident, claimed ‘no one was intimidating anyone’ and they were ‘simply asking questions’. 

The Labour candidate, who is hoping to be re-elected for the fourth time at this election, said: “Any campaign takes the rough with the smooth.

“But today was quite different […] I am not willing to accept that any group of people can close down the legitimate political campaign of an opponent, create “no go” areas, or such a hostile environment that volunteers simply do not feel safe going out.

“We will not be intimidated, nor run off the streets by anyone.”

He added that locals in Hollinwood ‘shouldn’t have to see the street where they live turned into a circus’.

In footage shown to the LDRS, a number of men could be seen pulling up in cars on a residential street in Oldham. 

Six men emerged and a number of them surrounded McMahon and his campaigners on the pavement.

One man was carrying a megaphone, several were filming on their phones and one was identifiable as local councillor Abdul Wahid.

The men repeatedly chant ‘shame on you’ while throwing a barrage of questions at the candidate, largely confront him about his voting history on the Gaza conflict.

McMahon could be seen attempting to reply to the group, but is frequently drowned out.

The Labour candidate is then heard saying ‘you can campaign how you like but you cannot harass people’ as he attempts to distance himself from the confrontation.

The group follow him, yelling ‘you’re not welcome in Oldham’. 

Police were called to the scene and were filmed arriving at the location but did not appear to take any action against the group, who say they were ‘within their democratic right’. 

Oldham Group ccouncillor Abdul Wahid told the LDRS: “Yesterday’s scenes would not have happened if [Jim McMahon] had not cancelled his surgeries, attended hustings and made himself accountable to his constituents.” 

Oldham Group leader Kamran Ghafoor added: “An Oldham Group councillor, along with other concerned constituents, was present and attempted to ask questions.

"If Mr McMahon believes that being a career politician means avoiding scrutiny and being afraid to answer questions, then perhaps he should reconsider his role as an MP. ” 

But the Labour council leader Arooj Shah condemned the behaviour, calling it “nothing short of thuggish”. 

She said: “We cannot allow our democracy to be hijacked by this sort of divisive and aggressive behaviour where your view is the only one allowed to stand.

“I’d be embarrassed if a member of my group acted like a child with a megaphone.”

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