Pub landlords distraught thanks to major Uppermill road closure

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 20 July 2020

The landlords of two of Saddleworth’s most historic pubs are facing misery because of a major road closure for the next four weeks.

They claim trade at the Church Inn and Cross Keys will be cut of by construction work to install a larger drainage pipe to properties on Church Road in Uppermill.

Customers will have to make a tough detour of several miles down narrow country lanes to reach the picturesque hostelries.

The landlords say they only received notification of the plans just a few days before the scheduled work was to start today (Monday).

Julian Taylor, whose family has run the Church Inn for 29 years, said: “We deliberately held off opening the pub to ensure we could study how the pandemic restrictions rolled out on similar businesses across the area.

“Everything is in place to open very early next month but this is an unbelievable kick in the teeth.

"It’s completely sabotaged all our plans.

“Other than a letter from the contractor we had absolutely no prior knowledge this was going to happen.

"There was no consultation.

“The diversions for customers to reach the pub are laughable.

"Brewery wagons and other vital services will simply not be able to negotiate the route.”

Denise Lignum, who is celebrating her second anniversary as mine host of the Cross Keys with her husband Darren, broke down and cried when she learned of the road closure.

“Thirty-five per cent of our food trade is dependent on transport being able to reach us. I’m devastated,” she said.

Now ward councillor Graham Sheldon has stepped in asking that the contractors work 24/7 to speed up the works.

In a letter to Oldham council, he said: “I understand this work is necessary to aid the flood prevention problems in the Church Road area.

“It is unfortunate that the notice for this work has been extremely short.

"The diversion in Greenfield is a long and awkward route and single track in places.

“I have asked that the contractors work 24/7 to enable this work to be done at express speed and time and suggested alternative route alterations. 

“The diversions via either Diggle or Greenfield are a good distance and I think the emphasis should be on completing the work as soon as possible.

“I would also hope businesses affected by this work will be supported during the time the road closures are in place," he added.

After hearing Cllr Sheldon’s concerns, Oldham council have altered the diversion so it leaves Chew Valley Road at Kinders Lane by the King William pub and continues on Kinders Lane to Haw Clough Lane.

A spokesperson for United Utilities said: “The diversion route is about double the length of the one we originally proposed to Oldham council, but they have asked us to signpost this route instead due to other roadworks taking place in the area. 

“The council has to approve any diversion routes and they are in regular contact with emergency services to make them aware of any road closures.

“We are laying an additional stretch of sewer in the road to increase drainage capacity during heavy rain and help prevent flooding.  

“We have been working on the project throughout lockdown, but it has taken us longer than anticipated due to other utility services incorrectly mapped. 

“We had hoped to carry out all of our work on one side of the carriageway, with temporary lights, but we must now work in the centre of the road to avoid the other utilities.  

“A temporary road closure is unavoidable for safety reasons because the road is so narrow.

“We thank people for their patience over the next four weeks while the diversion is in place.

"It will be well worth it to help reduce the risk of flooding in the immediate area.”

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