
Oldham Business Listings

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Taxis & Private Hire in Oldham


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Red Cars

174 Cross Bank Street, Oldham, OL8 1HE

Britannia Cars

276 Manchester Street, Oldham, OL9 6HB

Home James

Lees Village Service Station, Saint John Street, Lees, Oldham, OL4 3DQ

Startax Private Hire

Unit 6 Failsworth Precinct , Oldham, M35 0EJ

Oldham Premier Airport Shuttle

8 Huntingdon Avenue , Oldham

Oldham & Royton Cars

Parkside Industrial Estate, Edge Lane Street, Royton, Oldham, OL2 6DS

Xceed Cars Private Hire 24hr

79 Feathestall Road North, Oldham, OL9 9DF

Chadderton Cars

409 Middleton Road, Chadderton, Oldham


734 Oldham Road, Failsworth, Oldham, M35 9FD

Tele Cars

206 Maygate, Oldham

50 Cars

96 Yorkshire Street, Oldham

Saddleworth & Lees

9 Beal Lane , Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8UY

Lees Cars Car 5000

St John Street Service Station, St John Street , Lees, Oldham , OL4 3DQ

Broadway Cars

Unit 16 - 17 Hartford Industrial Estate, Suthers Street, Oldham, OL9 7TQ

Limeline Private Hire

380 Hollins Road , Oldham, OL8 3BE

Cars 5000

7 Mumps , Oldham, OL1 3TL

Lees Cars Airport Express

St. John Street, Lees Village Filling Station, Oldham, OL4 3DQ

United Blue Bird Ltd

1 Chaucer Street, Oldham

United Cars

1 Chaucer Street, Oldham

Radio Cars (Oldham) Ltd

49 High Street, Lees, Oldham, OL4 3BN

Travel Line Minibus Service

61 Chief Street, Oldham, OL4 1EJ

Rollers Private Hire

176 Middleton Road, Oldham, OL9 6TR


Meridian Centre, Oldham, OL8 1EZ

A2B Tommyfield Cars

179b Henshaw Street, Oldham, OL1 2BP

Dial A1 Euro

104 Yorkshire Street, Oldham, OL1 1ST

Village Cars

258 Ashton Road, Oldham, OL8 1QN

Borough Taxis

2 Spring Garden Street, Royton, Oldham, OL2 5RR

Home 'N' Away

1a Union Street, Royton, Oldham, OL2 5JD

Home & Away

23 Union Street, Royton, Oldham

Embassy Cars

457 Oldham Road, Oldham, M35 0AA

Motown Private Hire

6 High Street, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8RQ

County Cars

Waterside Mill, Chew Valley Road, Greenfield, Oldham, OL3 7NH

Delta Cars

156 Huddersfield Road, Oldham, OL4 2RD

Crompton & Royton Cars

9 Beal Lane , Shaw, Oldham, OL2 8UY

Cartax Radio Cars Owl Business Centre

49 - 51 High Street , Lees, Oldham

Six O Six O

96 Yorkshire Street, Oldham, OL1 1ST


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