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Gardening Services in Oldham


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Ogden's Lawn Care

Shaw, 8 Cowie Street , Shaw, Oldham , OL2 7XA

A Hughes

17, Verney Road, Royton, Oldham, OL2 6AZ

Garden Restoration

17 Kesington Avenue, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 0NL

Wilderness Tamer

474 Ashton Road, Oldham, OL8 3HG


Suite 4 Inglestan, Brewery Lane, Leigh, WN7 2RJ

Unreal Lawns

Unit 18 Moss Lane Industrial Estate, Moss Lane, Royton, Oldham, OL2 6HR

Hanson's Landscapes & Maintenance

32 Beechwood Road, Hathershaw, Oldham, OL8 2NJ

Middleton Gardening Services

Weed It & Reap

155 George Street, Shaw, Oldham

D S Garden Services

4 Hayfield Close, Oldham

JT Jetwashing & Garden Maintenance

Whitstable Close, Chedderton, Oldham, Ol9 9LX

Binns A

698 Park Avenue , Chadderton, Oldham

Wareings Landscapes

8 John Street , Springhead, Oldham


Unit 4 Acorn Centre, Barry Street, Oldham, OL1 3NE

Garden Maintenance

48, Queensway, Oldham, OL3 7AH

4 Seasons Lawn Care

Royton Gardening Services


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