Reporting child abuse is everyone’s business

Date published: 09 March 2016

A NATIONAL awareness campaign urging the public to report signs of child abuse is being supported by OIdham Council.

The Department for Education’s campaign “Together we can tackle child abuse” aims to ensure support is given to all children and families who need it and to encourage the public to report concerns.

Councillor Jenny Harrison, cabinet member for social care and safeguarding, said: “Reporting child abuse is everyone’s business — and it is important that we support this campaign in Oldham.

“National research suggests a third of people who suspect child abuse don’t act on their suspicions, often because they’re worried about the implications of being wrong.

“But you don’t have to be absolutely certain in your suspicions. If you have a feeling something isn’t right, talk to our team and let them look into it.”

Child abuse is any action that causes significant harm to a child, whether physical, sexual or emotional or involving a lack of love, care and attention. Neglect covers the continuing, persistent failure to meet a child’s basic food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment, or failure to protect a child from harm or danger.