UKIP MEP calls for ban on burka

Date published: 08 March 2016

NORTH-WEST MEP Paul Nuttall has called for a ban on burkas and niqabs in public buildings.

UKIP’s deputy leader says International Women’s Day today is the perfect opportunity to “call for the empowerment of women and free them from the tyranny of the veil.”

He added: “We live in dangerous times, when security is all-important. It is vital that people’s faces can be seen. And just as importantly we live in a civilised liberal society; why should women be anonymised in this way? All free-thinking women should be supporting a ban on full face coverings in public buildings.”

“You cannot stroll into a bank wearing a crash helmet or balaclava for eminently sensible security reasons and it is just common sense that the same should apply to the burka and niqab. Why should they be exempt?

“Such face and body coverings are not conducive to integration within society and it inhibits communication.

“We all know our government is scared silly of offending any minority and bends over backwards to accommodate them, however at odds their ways may be to British traditions and wishes.

“Polls have shown that the majority in this country favour a ban on face coverings. It is time their views were put into action.”