Tennis club faces game set and crash

Reporter: Lucy Kenderdine
Date published: 22 February 2016

AN urgent appeal has been launched to save the 130-year-old Saddleworth Tennis Club, which could close if it cannot pay for much-needed court renovations.

The club, off Calf Lane, Greenfield, provides tennis facilities for Saddleworth, Oldham and Tameside throughout the year. But its three all-weather courts, laid 27 years ago, are in desperate need of replacement.

Saddleworth Club treasurer Neil Gaskell said: “It would be a great shame if the tennis club had to close at the end of this season. It is an integral part if the community, providing tennis facilities for not just our 30 members, but also local schools, sporting organisations and young people starting in the sport.

“Membership has dropped in recent years as people leave the club due to the poor state of the facilities. Many of our current members have said they will try to play on the courts for one final season before giving up.

“At the moment the courts are virtually unplayable as divots and uneven surfaces meaning the ball can bounce in any direction — it’s simply not tennis.”

The cheapest cost for three new courts is around £25,000, but more may be required. The club, part of the Saddleworth Cricket and Bowls club, has already applied to the Lancashire Lawn Tennis Association to help pay part of the cost.

Mr Gaskell continued: “With the success of Andy Murray and the British Davis Cup team, we should be seeing an increase in membership as people get excited about tennis again. But we’re not experiencing it, due to the quality of the courts.

Members aren’t the only people who will suffer if the club closes as the facilities are also used by Saddleworth School. Saddleworth Village Olympics.

The club is also appealing for anyone, including local businesses, to get in touch and support the campaign in whatever way they can.

For more information contact Mr Gaskell by email on titled “I support Saddleworth Tennis Club”.