Market dash for Mayoral Ball goodies

Date published: 17 February 2016

GENEROUS stallholders dug deep when the Mayor of Oldham took a fundraising trolley dash at Oldham’s Tommyfield Market.

Councillor Ateeque Ur-Rehman visited the market to collect a mass of items donated as raffle prizes for this year’s Mayor’s Ball a week on February 26 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Oldham philanthropist Sir Norman Stoller has promised to match all funds raised during the raffle for this year’s chosen charities — The Christie at Oldham, ACE Centre North, Dr Kershaw’s Hospice, and The Action Oldham Fund.

The mayor said: “The stallholders were really generous and were happy to help raise funds for this year’s chosen charities.”

Tickets for the ball are £35 each. Information: 0161-770 4012.