Former hostage star guest at charity event

Reporter: Iram Ramzan
Date published: 25 November 2015

Former hostage Terry Waite was the star guest as visitors to Emmaus Mossley took a trip down memory lane for charity.

The author, humanitarian and former assistant to Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, spent four years as a hostage in Lebanon between 1987 and 1991, an experience he chronicled in his memoir “Taken on Trust”.

But in a major change of direction, his latest book, based on his experiences lecturing on cruise ships, fulfils a long-held ambition to write a comic novel.

He gave a talk to the memories-themed Emmaus event and signed copies of both books.

Other attractions at Emmaus’s second-hand superstore in Queen Street, Mossley, included vintage displays, an auction, and a magician act, as well as the opening of the new cafe area.

Emmaus is a charity that supports homeless people.
