154 pledges made, 154 fulfilled

Reporter: Dawn Marsden
Date published: 22 September 2015

OLDHAM’s social housing provider First Choice Homes has fulfilled all 154 promises it made to tenants a year ahead of schedule.

The promises were made in a document in which FCHO set out its commitment to invest £149 million in Oldham’s 12,000 former council houses by March 2016.

Since taking on the housing stock in 2011, FCHO has installed 5,882 bathrooms, 6,244 kitchens, 4.332 new heating systems and insulated 2,047 homes. Almost 100 new homes have been built across the borough and more than £10 million of efficiency savings made. More than half of the money spent has gone to local suppliers and contractors.

Chief executive Cath Green said: “Being able to announce at the annual meeting that we have delivered over and above our promises, and not just on time but a whole year ahead of schedule, was a great moment for the whole team.”