Dovestone sets the bog standard

Date published: 04 September 2015

THE rest of the country should follow Saddleworth’s lead and stop burning historic hillside bogs, says the Rotal Society for the Protection of Birds.

United Utilities and the RSPB stopped burning at Dovestone five years ago, and as a result the reservoir’s water quality has improved due to the absence of added carbon. The moors have also started to revegetate and important species are recolonising the bare peat, improving air quality too.

Bird species have undergone huge increases too.

Elsewhere, moorland burning of bogs and heaths used to increase the number of game birds available for shooting.

Roy Taylor, RSPB’s Peak District and Humber reserves area manager said, “The UK needs to take a lead from sites like Dovestone if it wants to protect internationally important bogs, see more iconic upland birds, reduce water bills and make a positive contribution to reducing climate change.”