Oldham’s jobless total shows steady fall

Date published: 19 June 2015

JOBLESS figures in Oldham have continued to fall: 990 fewer people now claim benefits compared to the same time last year.

The number of people claiming out-of-work benefits or Universal Credit has fallen to 4,509 in May, from 4,664 the previous month. Those claiming Jobseekers Allowance fell from 2,554 people in April to 2,459 in May.

A total of 1,488 men and 971 woman claimed the benefit, both down from 1,534 and 1,020 respectively in the previous month. Of those claiming the benefit, 395 were aged 18-24.

The number of people claiming Universal Credit in Oldham was 2,050, including 830 who do some form of low-paid work.

Sue Timperley, senior manager of Job Centre Plus, Greater Manchester East and West District, said: “These statistics show an improving picture in Oldham as the number of people claiming these benefits has reduced by 18 per cent in the past year.”