Oldham’s first-class post is snail mail

Date published: 26 November 2013

OLDHAM has been named in the country’s bottom 10 postcodes for Royal Mail delivery times.

Only 90.3 per cent of first class post delivered to an OL postcode was received the next working day - significantly below the company’s 91.5 per cent target.

According to Ofcom, over a third of the country’s postcodes failed to receive post on time, despite the rising cost of a first-class stamp. The watchdog said it was “very concerned” about the company’s performance.

The report, which covers the year from April 2012-March 2013, found that Royal Mail only managed to meet its target in 73 areas, fewer than two-thirds of the total number of areas.

But Ofcom also surveyed consumers on their attitudes toward the postal service and found satisfaction is high for 86 per cent of residential consumers.