Beware the enemy on your doorstep

Reporter: Richard Hooton
Date published: 29 January 2013

THE new head of the North-West Counter Terrorism Unit (NW CTU) is warning Oldhamers to be vigilant in spotting suspicious behaviour.

A week-long campaign has been launched with residents urged to support the police in the fight against terrorism by reporting any unusual behaviour to the Confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.

Det Chief Supt Tony Mole, who has been put in charge of the NW CTU, said: “Recent events in Algeria and Mali have shown that the threat from international terrorism is very real and has in no way dissipated.

An Oldham couple has been used as an example of the process of radicalisation that can occur.

Husband and wife Mohammed Sajid Khan and Shasta Khan were stopped as they prepared to carry out a terrorist attack and were subsequently jailed.

They married six weeks after meeting on an internet dating site and a few months later were actively assimiliating extremist, al Qaida-inspired material.

Between March and July 2011, the couple began to look at online bomb-making manuals and acquired everyday household items from supermarkets and high street retailers to construct an explosive device.

It is believed they were preparing to carry out a terrorist attack in Britain, with the most likely target being the Jewish communities of Manchester.

Their plan unravelled when police followed up reports of a domestic assault — and a family revealed their extremist views.

Police have listed warning signs - including the couple’s dramatic cange of appearance in line with the radicalisation of their views and their personality changes - from outgoing to withdrawn.

Police are urging readers to trust their instincts and report anything suspicious.

Det Chief Supt Mole added: “Individuals within our communities seek to exploit vulnerable people for extremist purposes and we all have a responsibility to stop that.”