Former glamour model joins new Revolution football show

Date published: 02 November 2012

A FORMER glamour model is planning to turn the airwaves blue - by talking football.

Manchester City matchday presenter Natalie Pike, who was crowned FHM’s “High Street Honey” in 2004, will join Oldham Athletic’s David Broadbent on “Talking Balls” which starts on 96.2 The Revolution on Sunday.

The show, anchored by regular presenter and avid City fan Owen Sherratt, will take stock of the weekend’s sporting action, and the presenters will welcome special guests and take calls.

The show will focus mainly on Athletic, City and United - but no topic will be off-limits and fans of other clubs can call-in.

Station owner Steve Penk said: “I’m really excited by the new show. It’s great to get Natalie on board and I can think of no one better to champion City’s cause on air.”

The show will run from 10pm-1am every Sunday. Visit for details.