
Date published: 26 August 2010


TRIPLETS who couldn’t speak English when they left Kosovo are celebrating a GCSE hat-trick.

Agnesa, Arneta and Atdhetare Hoxha, of Lower Edge Avenue, Oldham, chalked up 40 passes between them at Radclyffe School.

And there are more family celebrations with cousin Medina Bllaca adding another 16.5 to the tally.

The Radclyffe School pupils left the Balkans around 11 years ago.

Head girl Agnesa achieved 17 top A* to C grades with a mixture of GCSEs and BTECs, including 6 A*s and 2 As.

She will sit her A-levels at Oldham College and said: “Because we were quite a young age we picked up the language quite quickly.

“I was really nervous and I am so happy that I did really well. I really did revise quite a lot.”

Agnesa will be joined at college by Arneta who received 15 top passes, including 6 A*s, and Medina will who achieved 16.5, with 8A*s and 1A.

Atdhetare gained eight A to C passes and will start a hairdressing apprenticeship with Toni and Guy.

Agnesa added: “I am relieved that we have got the grades and we have done really well. We are very proud.

“We are going to have a family meal to celebrate and a few friends are coming over.”

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