‘Gagged’ Warren makes his point

Date published: 24 March 2009

‘GAGGED’ Warren Bates made sure he got his message across after he was banned from the Failsworth Area Committee for six months.

And two security staff were on duty to make sure last night’s meeting at the Salvation Army Community Church, Oldham Road, passed without trouble.

The pair denied they were there for this reason, saying they were waiting for acting borough solicitor Paul Entwistle.

But committee chairman, Councillor Glenys Butterworth, said: “There were two security men in case there was any trouble. We did not want anybody being intimidated.”

As reported in the Chronicle, Mr Bates received a letter from Mr Entwistle informing him of the ban following previous warnings for his disruptive and intimidating behaviour at area committee meetings.

It stated: ‘The council has a duty to ensure that anyone attending a public meeting can properly participate. I have been informed that your conduct and behaviour at these meetings is significantly impacting on the meetings.”

No mention of the ban was made last night, but Councillor Butterworth told the Chronicle: “It’s been much calmer. People have had a chance to be involved.”


Mr Bates, of Stanhope Way, stood outside at the start of the meeting with a sign informing visitors of his suspension. The Green Party member, who has contested three council elections, said he had no intention of entering the meeting.

His partner Joan Spencer criticised the council for having “bouncers”and added: “I know he gets loud, I know he can get out of hand but he isn’t aggressive. He always sticks up for Oldham.”