Alan's push for fitness and funds

Reporter: Iram Ramzan
Date published: 16 June 2017

A MOORSIDE man is on a mission to get fit and lose weight ­- and his latest idea is to push his 12-year-old son in a wheelchair round the Oldham 10k.

Mechanical engineer Alan Green (41) is raising money for Kingfisher School's 'Big Splash' campaign.

The Chadderton school has been raising money to build a new hydrotherapy pool for the children. The current pool is defective and no longer fit for use.

Alan has raised over £300 ahead of the race. The 10k is this Sunday on Fathers' Day, fittingly for Alan and his son Joseph.

The race will start at High Street in Oldham town centre, going through Shaw and Royton, before returning to the start point for a reception with friends and family.

Alan said: "When doing the Manchester 10k I saw people pushing wheelchairs round with people in them. It gave me the idea to take my son round.

"Joseph has cerebral palsy and needs a wheelchair.Then my wife said: Why not do it for charity?

"Joseph attended Kingfisher School and now Newbridge. He loved it at Kingfisher. Both are fantastic schools."

Alan is on a mission to get fit and lose weight. He has had guidance on nutrition and training at Cross Fit OL1.

"Last year I let myself go," said Alan. "I got on the weighing scale and I was the heaviest I had ever been, just short of 300lb, around 21st. That was a wake up call. I've since lost three stones."

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