Centre acclaims team's fine work

Reporter: Iram Ramzan
Date published: 06 June 2017

THIS week marks Volunteers' Week, and Mahdlo Youth Zone is saying a big thank you to its hard-working team members.

Volunteers' week is an annual event which celebrates the contribution made by millions of volunteers across the UK.

Mahdlo's 136 volunteers have clocked up an incredible 12,063 hours over the past 12 months.

The Egerton street centre relies on the support of the local community to deliver aspirational and inspirational activities for its members.

Volunteers are involved in a whole host of activities including sports, arts, mentoring, catering, administration, fundraising and even driving the Mahdlo mini bus.

Minibus driver Alan Whitehead (70) said: "I wasn't sure about volunteering with young people at first, but I really enjoy it. Sometimes they can be very noisy.

"I'll always remember when Justin Bieber was on the radio and the bus just exploded with noise. I'd definitely encourage people to get involved and volunteer at Mahdlo."

Since opening in 2012, over 680 local people have given their time, passing on valuable knowledge and experience. With 42 per cent of volunteers aged between 16-22, Mahdlo provides a springboard for local people to pursue a career within the charity sector, with many volunteers progressing on to paid employment at Mahdlo.

Gareth Nixon, head of business development at Mahdlo, said: "Volunteering at Mahdlo is integral to what we do. As a charity we rely on the goodwill of the people of Oldham and this is just one way they can get involved and make a difference to their community.

"It's a great way to make new friends, have fun and be a part of a fantastic team. We are grateful to all our Mahdlo volunteers who give their spare time so generously - we couldn't do it without you."

If you have an interest in volunteering with young people or have skills and knowledge you'd like to share, get in touch with Sazida Begum on 0161 624 0111 or email volunteering@mahdloyz.org.