Care home criticised following inspection

Reporter: Rosalyn Roden
Date published: 30 December 2016

AN OLDHAM care home has been told it "requires improvement" by inspectors.

Leadership and responsiveness at Werneth Lodge Care Home in Manchester Road came under scrutiny after an inspection.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports out-of-date records and breaches relating to governance in their latest review.

But the home, which provides personal care for up to 42 older residents, including some who live with dementia, said they had never received a "requires improvement" rating before.

Werneth Lodge manager Bridget Summers said the home has already taken steps to make the improvements set out in the report.


Inspectors said: "Records were not always up-to-date or regularly reviewed to reflect people's care and support requirements.

"We found breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 relating to governance.

"The systems used to assess the quality of the service had not identified the issues that we found during the inspection.

"They were not always effective as they had not ensured that records reflected the care people received."

In contrast, positive ratings were given for the home's safety, effectiveness and care, which received a "good" from inspectors.

They said: "People who used the service told us they felt safe. There were sufficient staff employed to provide consistent and safe care to people.

"Care was provided with kindness and people's privacy and dignity were respected. People told us they would feel confident to speak to staff about any concerns if they needed to."