Artwork rises from the ashes of devastating inferno at paper mill

Reporter: Iram Ramzan
Date published: 22 December 2016

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IT'S not just firefighters who are working hard at the Maple Mill site.

Stockport-based artist Helen Clapcott found a good spot near the building and began sketching away.

Helen has painted scenes from Stockport, capturing the city's industrial legacy.

When she heard about the inferno at the Cardwell Street site, she drove to Oldham to start her next piece.

Helen said: "I was enjoying it visually

"I thought wow, look at that.

"I thought it was extraordinary, visually, the three towers that remain and the red and black bricks.

"I have brought the drawings back and will work from them.

"Oldham is a fascinating place.

"I just find the landscape in the industrial north fascinating, how it's changing and how the mills are disappearing. We're on the last chapter I think."

Firefighters have remained at the Mill for over a week, tackling pockets of fire.

‘Timpdon Lake’ a 16mm scale 32mm gauge live steam layout at Manchester Model Engineering Exhibition 27 February 2016
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