Winter bug surge warning

Reporter: Rosalyn Roden
Date published: 08 December 2016

A WARNING has been issued about a surge in cases of the winter vomiting bug.

The national increase in reported cases of norovirus, an infection characterised by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, prompted hospitals to prepare for potential issues in Oldham.

Residents are asked not to visit friends and relatives in hospital if they have shown symptoms in the past 48 hours.


The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust urged doctors and nurses at the Royal Oldham Hospital and North Manchester General Hospital to be vigilant in the run up to Christmas.

Claire Chadwick is head nurse for infection control at the trust.

She said: "We are asking all staff to be vigilant to assess all patients on admission for a recent history or current symptoms of norovirus.

"In recent days a national increase of 45 per cent in cases was highlighted and many hospitals are reporting ward closures.

"We always expect to see more cases of norovirus as we approach winter. However, we have seen a sudden increase in the last few days in our community care homes."

So far this winter, 1,495 laboratory reports of the highly contagious norovirus have been made.


That's an increase of 45 per cent compared with the same time last year.

For more information on norovirus, symptoms and how to avoid catching it, download the leaflet from the website at