Surgery revamp

Date published: 18 December 2015

IMPROVEMENT work is underway at Saddleworth Medical Practice, Uppermill until January 18.

Machinery and other building equipment will be stored on the public car park adjacent to the practice so patients are advised to plan extra time for parking before appointments.

FIND a treat at a farmers’ market in Uppermill Square on the second Sunday of every month, 9am-2pm. The market boasts a collection of mouth-watering produce from local suppliers, including cheeses and pies. It has temporarily moved from its base at Saddleworth Museum while renovation works are carried out.

TEMPORARY traffic signals are operating at Denshaw crossroads in Oldham Road while repairs works are carried out on the A672 Oldham Road. The four-way traffic lights will be in place until December 23 while repairs to the retaining wall are carried out.

SADDLEWORTH Parish Council wants to hear from residents and local groups about areas which need cleaning up or tidying. The parish caretaker is on hand to carry out maintenance work across the community and suggestions should be sent to the Parish Council clerk by email to or by calling 01457-876 665.

A COFFEE morning in aid of Caritas Baby Hospital is to be held at St Chad’s Parish Centre, Station Road, Uppermill, on January 2 (10–11.30am). Entry is £2. The hospital is financed and managed by children’s charity Children’s Relief Bethlehem, offering medical aid and ongoing, wider social support to over 38,000 children each year, regardless of nationality or creed.