The Cranmer Education Trust
Date published: 04 October 2021
The Cranmer Education Trust wishes to notify parents/carers and all interested parties that following discussion with the Diocesan Board of Education and Area Dean, we will be resuming the counting of attendance at public worship for children applying for Christian faith places at both The Blue Coat School and The Brian Clarke CE Academy from 31st October 2021.
This will not affect applications for 2022.
Arrangements are being put in place to cover any temporary restrictions on attendance at individual churches in the future.
For further details, please see our websites: Cranmer Education Trust: News | Cranmer Education Trust The Blue Coat School: Year 7 Admissions Entry – The Blue Coat School ( The Brian Clarke CE Academy: Admissions Explained - The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy (
Yours sincerely,
Mrs J.A. Hollis
Chief Executive Officer
The Cranmer Education Trust