Peace and good will to everyone
Date published: 21 December 2020
Christmas is a time for shared joy and laughs, parties, food and drinks, where family, new babies and friends come together to celebrate the end of the year and to look forward with hope in our hearts to the year ahead.
Despite the gloomy news, we can all make a difference to make our World a better place, from inviting a lonely neighbour to Christmas dinner to campaigning for World Peace and for a greener planet.
Drop by a lonely neighbour and chat over a cuppa. Become a pen/email friend with someone from a different land.
John Lennon sung a great song called Imagine, about people living in peace and harmony.
Try to vote for leaders who are peacemongers with love in their hearts, instead of the usual greedy, warmongering and careerist MPs, who have supported Wars in the Middle East and the Ukraine.
Hopefully President Biden will usher in a new era of Peace Making on the World stage!
Evict hate and anger from your hearts and offer the hand of friendship to those of different races and believes. Refugees are not to blame for becoming refugees, that blame lies with the politicians that supported their countries destruction.
No matter how long and cold your personal Winter may last, always remember Spring always follows.
In all our different ways we can all work towards making our world a peaceful better place.
Peace on Earth, Seasons greetings and Goodwill to all people.
Mrs Dorothy Perkins
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.
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