Scaremongering stories keep on coming
Date published: 20 November 2018
Over the next few weeks we are going to hear a barrage of gloomy propaganda and even financial and economic Armageddon if we do not back Theresa May’s deal or have no Brexit deal at all.
We have had a string scaremongering stories before from our establishment.
In the early 90's we were told that to leave the European Exchange Rate (ERM) would prove disastrous.
The actual result proved otherwise, lower inflation, interest rates and lower unemployment levels.
A few years later the establishment tried again, this time saying that it would be a disaster if the UK did not join the euro.
Thankfully the Treasury was against joining.
Since then our economy has grown considerably above both the German and French.
There are around 160 countries that trade using World Trade Organisation (WT0) terms, many selling goods into the EU without any problems, so what is the problem that stops the UK and keeps us locked as a prisoner of the EU and only allowed to leave with their permission?
Apart from the EU not wanting a competitor on their doorstep, we also have again our own establishment with their own vested interests not wishing the country as a whole to succeed.
We must not let this happen.
Phil Griffiths
Broadcaster and Commentator
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.