May's Salzburg speech was a masterclass
Date published: 25 September 2018
While I am by no means a fan of Theresa May’s Chequers proposal she has my full admiration for standing up to the bully boys of the EU.
Her speech following the Salzburg summit meeting was a masterclass in the British at their best, demonstrating calm dignity and firmly pointing out that she has treated the EU with respect and was entitled to expect the same.
Of course the bureaucrats are not treating us with respect as our decision to break free from their ruthless control is unravelling their great project, albeit it has always been destined to fail eventually.
It was good to be reassured that our PM really is fighting for Britain and the desires of the 17.4 million people who voted for leaving.
We cannot give in to pressure from the enemy inside or outside our shores.
The clock is ticking and Mrs May has to maintain the determination and backbone she demonstrated at last Friday.
But for Brexit to mean Brexit, as she herself describes it, she needs to ditch Chequers and go for a Canada plus deal.
That way she will ensure we get our freedom back.
With a Canada style deal we can negotiate our own trade deals with whoever and wherever we wish and will have the ability to control our borders and make our own laws.
Frankly it is not hardly asking for anything unreasonable!
Paul Nuttall
North West MEP
UK Independence Party
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.