It's time to face your fears!
Date published: 11 June 2018
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is challenging the nation to face their fears and raise money for life saving research
Did you know that people in the North West are most scared of spiders (28%)?
This July, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) is challenging the nation to face their fears and raise money for life saving research into heart and circulatory disease.
Every year, heart and circulatory diseases including heart attack, stroke and vascular dementia kill around 17,800 in North West.
Today, more than 850,000 people in the region are living with these serious illnesses.
We urgently need to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat these terrible conditions.
That’s why I’m calling on everyone in North West to join me this July in signing up to the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) Face a Fear campaign to help fund our fearless researchers.
There will be a pint of blood, sweat and fears when I conquer my phobia of needles by donating blood.
Knowing I’m helping people in more ways than one is what I will think about to get me through.
So whether its spiders or snakes that leave you squirming, or dizzying heights that have you frozen with fear, it’s time to look fear in the eye and say ‘No more’.
It won’t be easy, but every courageous pound you raise by facing your fears is crucial in funding the cutting-edge breakthroughs we need to end the devastation caused by heart disease.
Your heart will race and your legs will wobble, but at the end of it, you’ll feel on top of the world. You’ll overcome something. You’ll conquer an enemy.
So join me this July - put your courage to the ultimate test and get sponsored to beat heartbreak forever.
Sign up today at
Adrian Adams
Head of Face a Fear at the British Heart Foundation
The views expressed are those of the author of the letter and not those of Oldham Chronicle.