Gin Fair in Saddleworth is a big success

Date published: 30 July 2019

Fun-loving guests  danced with joy when a famous Saddleworth hostelry staged its first Gin Fair.

More than 350 braved the weekend elements  to join exclusive gin masterclasses held under a shelter at The Old Bell Inn, Delph.

They sampled the finest quality gins in the distillers room in the restaurant of the landmark hotel with an option to buy their favourites.

And each guest received a memorial glass as a keepsake.

Despite  rain, the guests took to dancing in the hotel’s  car park with entertainment by local singing legend, Morgan.

And Beth Sharp, 22, a member of the Old Bell’s front of house team, entertained after another vocalist had to pull out at the last minute.

A raffle, with dazzling prizes donated by local businesses, raised £395 for Francis House Children’s Hospice.