Be an Oldham Winter Warrior this winter

Date published: 29 January 2019

After last year’s ‘Beast from the East’ generated so many examples of people helping each other out, this winter Oldham’s Clincial Commissioning Group we want to find the town’s #OldhamWinterWarriors and say thank you to them for helping their families, friends, neighbours, colleagues, patients or service users to get through the coldest season with a warm smile and a helping hand.

Oldham’s communities are full of amazing individuals who go the extra mile, whether that be at home, at work or in their local neighbourhoods. And the group want to tell their stories, acknowledge their efforts and say thank you for the little things they do that make a big difference during the colder months. 

The campaign, supported by NHS Oldham, Oldham Council and a variety of community and voluntary organisations across the Borough as part of the Oldham Cares Alliance*, aims to recognise individuals, teams, groups and local services who help people stay safe and well during winter – and keep Oldham going, when the going gets tough!

Cllr Zahid Chauhan, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care said “At this time of year when the temperatures drop, it’s essential we all look out for one another.

“That’s why we’re urging people to nominate their Winter Warrior.

“Whether it be a carer in your family who looks after you or a neighour who regularly pops in to check on you when the temperatures drop, we want to know about them.”

Residents can nominate their Winter Warrior by sending their stories, photos and videos to: 

Emailing us at

Tweeting us at @oldhamcouncil or @oldhamcares

Posting on our Facebook page at or

Our favourite #OldhamWinterWarrior will win a £100 Amazon voucher, as a reward for their warrior-like efforts!

There are no strict categories or criteria, they want to hear from anyone who you think is deserves the title of being an ‘Oldham Winter Warrior’ and who you think deserves to be recognised for their contribution

It’s easy to become an Oldham Winter Warrior

It’s about keeping the family healthy and happy by getting the flu jab, keeping warm and well at home and choosing the right care, from the right place, at the right time. It’s about checking up on neighbours to see if they need any help, keeping them company and making sure their house is warm and their drives and paths clear of snow. Finally it’s about making sure you’re prepared by keeping an eye on the weather, stocking up on your medicine and planning your journeys.

Oldham’s public services are working together, ready to support residents throughout the winter.

The NHS pharmacy teams are available all winter to support you and your family with healthcare advice, support and over the counter medication and treatment.

Our 44 GP practices are open from 8am-6.30pm Monday to Friday as well as a seven day GP appointment service now available in selected locations. The Walk-in service is available seven days a week from 8am-8pm on the Ground Floor of the Integrated Care Centre.

As far as reasonably possible, Oldham Council will keep the primary highway network free of ice and snow at all times to help ensure a safe journey for travellers and residents. Grit stocks, systems and services are in place to meet the challenge if there is a repeat of the heavy snowfall we had last year. As far as reasonably possible, we will keep the primary highway network free of ice and snow at all times in order to help ensure a safe journey for travellers and residents.

The First Response service will use its Twitter account @oldhamalert to inform followers of school and road closures or incidents.

These will also be retweeted for residents following the council’s account @oldhamcouncil and updates will appear via the local media.

Schools also have a text messaging system to inform parents if they are closing for the day.

If you require further information about gritting ring 0161 770 4421 or email

To find out more about all the services making sure the borough keeps going this winter visit