Big dates for Oldham staff on the NHS's big birthday
Date published: 04 July 2018

Pictured are (left to right): Carl Lofthouse, Senior Finance Business Partner; Julie Daines, Strategic Director of Corporate Affairs & Resources; Julie Burton, Assistant Finance Manager; Julia Taylor, Commissioning Manager for Surgical Specialities and Continuing Healthcare.
As the NHS turns 70 today (Thursday), five members of staff from NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are looking forward to marking the milestone event at two specially organised national events at York Minster and Westminster.
Julie Daines, Strategic Director of Corporate Affairs & Resources, Carl Lofthouse, Senior Finance Business Partner and Julie Burton, Assistant Finance Manager at the CCG, will attend a special service to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS at Westminster Abbey at noon.
Meanwhile Julia Taylor, Commissioning Manager for Surgical Specialties and Continuing Healthcare, and Complex Case Manager, Debra Forshaw, will join local GP and Oldham Council’s Cabinet Member for Health Dr Zahid Chauhan, as they head up to York Minster for an evening service of celebration.
The two services, organised by NHS England, are a celebration of NHS staff, volunteers and carers from across the country, and will reflect on the achievements of the last 70 years, at the same time as looking ahead to the future of the NHS.
Julie said: “The NHS has improved over the years and patients are very often fortunate enough to be treated with the latest technology and medicines.
"Front line and back office colleagues are passionate about their work, whether that’s caring for the patients directly or ensuring high quality services are commissioned for the best possible value for money.
"There is no other service like the NHS in the world, I am incredibly proud to be a part of it.”
Debra added: “I’ve been a nurse for 35 years this year and it surprised me to realise that this is half as long as the NHS has been in existence.
"The NHS is the envy of the modern world and as such should be protected.
"The idea behind its inception was to help all people not only those that can afford it and this ethos is just as pertinent today.
"My hopes are that the NHS continues to support the sick and most vulnerable members of our society and enables all to live long and fulfilling lives.”
The CCG is also set to hold it’s AGM tonight at Earl Mill, off Ashton Road in Hathershaw.
The event will also have an NHS70 theme, and will reflect on the last 12 months’ financial and operational performance as well as looking forwards to the future of health in Oldham.
To book a place google Oldham CCG and the details are on the website.