Have your say on Crompton House proposals

Date published: 08 February 2018

Oldham Council has asked residents and interested parties to have their say on proposals to expand Crompton House School to a 12-form entry.

The local authority is proposing to expand the Rochdale Road school to help meet the demand for school places in the area.

We now welcome further comments on the development before an application is submitted for planning permission.

Representatives from the school, Oldham Council and Unity Partnership have already held consultation meetings at the school, but we now want to ensure anyone who could not attend can have their say.

As part of the plans Oldham Council is looking to build a three-storey teaching block, extend the dining room and add further car parking spaces.

Plans of the proposals will also be on show at Crompton Library, 7 Farrow Street East, Shaw OL2 8QY.

Councillor Amanda Chadderton, Oldham Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years, said: “This consultation is a chance for parents, residents and interested parties to have their say and help us shape the future of Crompton House School.

“We’d urge you take part. We want to hear your opinions as they are important and matter to us.”

For further information log onto www.oldham.gov.uk/cromptonextension

You can submit your comments on the proposals to schooldevelopments@oldham.gov.uk

Alternatively you can send them to David Rhodes, Capital Works and Energy Manager, Oldham Council, Level 3, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UT.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday, February 23.