Oldhamers urged to utilise housing association’s cost of living support scheme
Date published: 03 December 2024

First Choice Homes Oldham staff are urging customers to utilise the Need a Hand? campaign. Image courtesy of FCHO
Oldham residents are being urged to utilise a housing association’s cost of living support scheme.
First Choice Homes Oldham (FCHO) is behind the rallying call, after revealing its cost-of-living support scheme last year slashed almost £100k from customers’ food bills, recouped £277k in benefits and debt savings and put more than £700 a month into the pockets of 66 people it helped find work.
As part of its commitment to helping the communities it serves, the social landlord’s 'Need a hand?’ campaign is back to help its customers struggling with the cost-of-living.
FCHO's specialist teams are for the third year running offering free help in a raft of areas including ensuring eligible customers do not miss out on Winter Fuel Payments by failing to apply for Pension Credit.
Although it tends to see an increase in enquiries in winter, the campaign runs throughout the year and other support includes help accessing healthy affordable food, support finding employment, advice around accessing benefits and reducing debt plus energy saving tips.
Customers embracing the campaign – now in its third year - can also get help with rent payments and charges with FCHO arranging affordable payment plans and signposting additional support to those struggling to make ends meet.
The helping hand comes as FCHO data reveals the huge difference the campaign made to its customers last year.
The stats show that between November 2023 and March 2024:
More than 800 customers from across the Oldham borough came forward to access practical advice to maximise their income.
FCHO helped customers recoup £277K through one-off financial outcomes including backdated benefits and debt reductions.
Helped 66 people find employment via tailored support with everything from confidence building to CV writing and interview and job application support - with an average £766 monthly increase for those still in work as of March 2024.
Collectively saved customers £98,745 from food bills by helping them utilise The Bread and Butter Thing affordable food service which provides access to good quality food for a fraction of its usual price.
Lorraine Black, Head of Community Services, said FCHO was delighted to be able to bring the campaign back for another year to help customers identify savings and avoid choosing between buying food or paying bills.
She said: “The campaign has proved hugely beneficial amid a continued cost-of-living crisis.
"As an organisation with the community at its heart we want customers to know we are here to give them a hand and urge anyone who needs advice or practical support to get in touch, so our specialist teams can help.”
To access a range of free, confidential support, FCHO customers can email: communityservices@fcho.co.uk or call 0161 393 7117.
Visit: www.fcho.co.uk/need-a-hand for more information.
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