Wanted - more morris men

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 04 October 2024

Saddleworth’s famous Morris Men are on the lookout to recruit new dancers and musicians to keep the fascinating tradition alive.

Dave Biggs, the Squire, said: "”We are just ordinary lads with ordinary lives and jobs, although an increasing number are now enjoying retirement, who enjoy a beer (or not, it is by no means compulsory) and enjoy entertaining people with our unique style of North West Morris dancing.”

Earlier this year Saddleworth Morris Men celebrated their 50th birthday having first danced out on April Fools Day in 1974.

Since then they have become one of the most recognised North West clog sides in the country famous for their striped  waistcoats, fresh flowered hats and the legendary Saddleworth Rushcart.

Dave added: ”Autumn is a time to practice the dances and polish our performances.

“It’s also a time to look at the invite list for next year and see where we might be dancing in the UK and occasionally overseas the following year.

“The dancing season is nicely bookended by our traditional Easter tour and the Rushcart itself in late August.

"There is sometimes an engagement after the Rushcart, often seen as a last hurrah as the sun sets on another year.

“And autumn is also the time to bring on new recruits, teach them the basic steps, the moves of the dances and welcome them into the side in readiness to dance out the following year.

“Since our humble beginnings we have had a steady stream of lads who fancy giving it a go.

"Some have danced with other teams but most have no prior experience of the Morris.

“Many have been locals who have enjoyed watching the Cart and decided this is something they would like to be involved in.

“There are a few, myself included, who came up through the Saddleworth Morris boys team which existed in the 1980’s.

"In fact there are three lads who continue to contribute to the side from the original 1974 lineup.

“We practice every Thursday evening throughout the year, at the Church Inn in Uppermill, and dance out in public in spring and summer.”

And he added:”:If you think this might be up your street, or if you think you can help the team out in other ways (collecting, stewarding events or even cutting rushes!) look us up on Facebook or just turn up on a Thursday night and say hello - you’ll, be made very welcome.”

Contact them via email at: saddleworthmorris@gmail.com or via the website link here

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