‘We are delivering for working people’ insists Oldham MP as Labour legislates to end no-fault evictions

Date published: 28 September 2024

Jim McMahon, MP for Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton, has said that Labour’s Renters Rights Bill shows the party is delivering in government for working people in our borough.

The Bill, which is currently going through the legislative process in Parliament, would ban no-fault evictions for renters for good.

A Section 21 ‘no fault’ eviction can be issued by a landlord without having to provide a reason, giving tenants just two months to find a new home.

Almost 26,000 households were threatened with homelessness after receiving one last year.

Mr McMahon said: “The Labour Government is today introducing legislation to reform renters’ rights and end no fault evictions for 11 million renters across the country.

"We are taking action where the Tories failed, protecting working families across the country from losing their home through no fault of their own.

"The Renters’ Rights Bill will give the renters of Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton increased protections.

"This includes the introduction of the 'decent homes standard', ensuring tenants can expect safe, well-maintained, and secure living conditions, and a legal time frame for landlords to carry out essential works to remove serious hazards.

"Only though this security and stability can working adults have the peace of mind to thrive, can young people have the space to truly reach their full potential, and can families have the security to be ambitious for their future.

"At the General Election, I made decent homes one of my top priorities in Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton and we are already making good on the promise to provide quality, decent homes.

"This new bill will be a big step in the right direction for renters.”

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