Burnham addresses fears over government slashing bus passes for elderly

Reporter: Charlotte Hall, Local Democracy Reporter
Date published: 26 September 2024

The Greater Manchester mayor has said there is ‘no suggestion’ the Labour government is planning to axe free bus passes for the elderly – adding that he would ‘speak out’ against any attempt to cut the scheme.

Rumours, which began in the aftermath of the decision to cut winter fuel payments for thousands of pensioners, continue to cause anxiety for elderly people in the region despite a government spokesperson saying there were ‘no plans’ to withdraw the scheme. 

Appearing on BBC Manchester today (Thursday), Mayor Andy Burnham received two calls from older residents raising the concern. 

He claimed that ‘not one person’ at the Labour conference had suggested to him the bus passes, which gives pensioners across the UK free travel between 9.30am and 11pm on weekdays, were up for negotiation. 

He said: “Just because it’s a Labour government, I’m not going to just stay silent if things that are done are wrong.

"There’s no suggestion that they are going to do it.

"But if they did, I will speak out against it.” 

Mr Burnham, who spoke in his regular ‘hotseat’ slot at 10 am this morning, also said he was trying to ‘encourage’ more people to use public transport and spoke about the importance of the concessionary pass. 

“The government was also talking about getting the economy growing,” he said.

“The best thing you can do to get growth going, in my view, is to make transport as easy and affordable for people as possible, so that people can access training, jobs, get into the city and spend a bit of money. 

“For older people, if they get stuck in their home and they can’t get out and about, that will just put pressure on the NHS.” 

He added: “That pass is a lifeline to people.

"If anything I would like to strengthen it and I am looking at whether or not we can allow older people to use the passes earlier in the day.”

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