Brother and sister among Oldham gang jailed for human trafficking

Date published: 12 September 2024

A brother and sister are amongst a gang of organised crime members jailed for over 16 years for human trafficking, controlling prostitution for gain and modern slavery offences against a woman from France trapped in an Oldham house.

Anisoara Stan (aged 44) of Ashton Road in Oldham pleaded guilty to human trafficking and control prostitution for gain.

She received six years and eight months’ imprisonment.

Her brother, Victor-Viorel Stan (41) of Howgill Crescent in Oldham pleaded guilty to control prostitution for gain and was jailed for four years and eight months.

Gheorghe Rusu (42) of Abson Street, Oldham, pleaded guilty to control prostitution for gain and received 22 months in jail.

Dan Scurtu (42) of Western Road in Newham, London, pleaded guilty to controlling prostitution for gain and a 16-month sentence.

Daniel Dobrin (20) of Crofton Street in Oldham and Stefan Boeru (24) of Howgill Crescent, also of Oldham, pleaded guilty to control prostitution for gain and both received jail terms of 12 months.

A judge sentenced six people to a total of 16 years and six months in jail for trafficking a Romanian national from France to the UK, with the promise of a lucrative cleaning job.

She was in fact kept prisoner in an Oldham flat and forced into sex work.

The court heard how, on January 27, 2024, a man living in London received a message from a friend, who told him she was being held prisoner in a flat in Oldham.

The man immediately alerted the Metropolitan Police about his 31-year-old Romanian friend, who was residing in France, was being held against her will in the UK.

The Met swiftly informed GMP and immediate actions were made by Oldham CID to identify the flat on Ashton Road, for which they only had a partial post code.

Once the address was positively identified, CID – supported by Neighbourhood Officers – forced entry, where the victim was located inside with three other people.

These were named as Stefan Boeru, Dan Scurtu and Gheorghe Rusu, who were all arrested on suspicion of modern slavery offences and human trafficking.

The victim was rescued and immediately removed to a place of safety, where she was supported by specialist officers.

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, provided a video interview in which she described making acquaintance with a woman named Anisoara Stan in Nice, France, where she lived.

She described being promised a lucrative cleaning job in the UK, which the victim accepted.

Stan then arranged travel for herself and the victim, with both flying into the UK on January 11, 2024.

Boeru met them at the airport and drove them back to the flat on Ashton Road in Oldham, where she was met by a man who threatened her, saying she owed 6000 euros for the accommodation and flat – and that the only way she could pay this off was to work as an escort.

Stan further enforced the lie by telling her that she wouldn’t ever see her children again and she would be beaten.

The victim then described how she was transported around Manchester and made to have sexual intercourse with multiple men every night.

She identified Scurtu and Rusu as the men who drove her around, and as those who would take payment from men through a number of online payments.

These payments would then be split between the depraved gang with notes attached to the transactions such as ‘FAMILY’ and ‘GIFT’ in an attempt to disguise the payments.

It’s estimated they were making around £1,000 per night.

Through a painstaking examination of mobile phone devices, financial transactions, CCTV and the victim’s statement, officers were able to create a timeline of where she was taken from Manchester Airport to the flat where she was recovered.

They were also able to ascertain the locations where she was taken to be used for prostitution.

To investigate this organised crime group further, Oldham CID set up Operation Hollow, which consisted of three Detective Constables, a Detective Sergeant and a Romanian-speaking Police Constable.

With three of the gang already arrested, questioned and charged, police then located and issued arrest warrants for the other three.

Anisoara Stan was arrested on January 27, 2024, Dobrin was arrested on February 9, 2024 and Stan was arrested by police in Essex as he attempted to flee the UK by boat on Sunday, February 4, 2024.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Fink of Oldham CID said: “First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to the victim in this case, who had her dignity and human rights cruelly stripped from her from the moment she landed on UK soil.

“Without her continued bravery and support, we wouldn’t have been able to locate and bring all of the offenders to justice and, while we know today’s sentencing will not erase the memories she has been left with, we hope that it goes some small way to allow her to heal.

“I am also thankful to the specialist police officers who have been providing the victim with much-needed support. She has been repatriated and is now safe and well.

“This was an extremely complex and volatile investigation with a lot of moving parts and I would like to thank everyone who was part of Operation Hollow – your contribution was priceless.

“I would also like to thank our colleagues from North-West ROCU (Regional Organised Crime Unit) TOEX (Tacking Organised Exploitation) Team, who provided us with a much-needed analyst who was able to assist us in the production of the countless exhibits for use during the court case.

“These six people are depraved individuals who deserve to be spending the foreseeable future behind bars.

“This case is a solemn reminder that modern slavery is happening here in Greater Manchester.  

"We continue to use every criminal and civil power available to us to prosecute those responsible and help victims find a way forward to rebuild their lives.

“If you suspect you or someone you know is a victim of modern slavery, I urge you to report it as soon as possible. We will take your report seriously and there is protection and support available.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact GMP by dialling 101 or via the Live Chat function on the website: www.gmp.police

Information can also be passed anonymously via the independent charity - Crimestoppers - on 0800 555 111.

Always ring 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, you can call the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline anonymously on 08000 121 700 to report or for information, advice and guidance about any modern slavery issue.

Visit the website for more information.

If you or someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted, police encourage you not to suffer in silence and report it to the police, or a support agency so you can get the help and support available.

- Saint Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Manchester provides a comprehensive and coordinated response to men, women and children who live or have been sexually assaulted within Greater Manchester.

They offer forensic medical examinations, practical and emotional support as well as a counselling service for all ages.

Services are available on a 24-hour basis and can be accessed by calling 0161 276 6515.

- Greater Manchester Rape Crisis is a confidential information, support and counselling service run by women for women over 18 who have been raped or sexually abused at any time in their lives.

Call on 0161 273 4500 or email:

- Survivors Manchester provides specialist trauma informed support to male victims in Greater Manchester who have experienced sexual abuse, rape or sexual exploitation.

Call 0161 236 2182.

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