Saddleworth Village Olympics showpiece launches in spectacular style

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 09 September 2024

Spectacularly multi-layered splashes of colour wreathed in plumes of bright smoke heralded the launch of the 39th Saddleworth Village Olympics on Saturday.

More than 1,000 children registered for the opening ceremony at Saddleworth School, with all the seven competing teams in t-shirts, with Team Scouthead Austerlands Springhead Lees leading the procession this year.

The games were opened by Oldham Athletic Chairman and Greenfield’s own Frank Rothwell, who told stories of his Atlantic solo row where he raised over £1.4million for an Alzheimer’s charity.

And some curious games competitors were allowed to examine his award-winning boat.

The event saw local councillors from all the competing villages attending.

And the games central organising committee thanked all those sponsors, many who has stalls at the site, for their continued support, saying without them the games would not be possible.

This year was the first year the Saddleworth Olympic organising committee ran the athletics event themselves and they thanked Head of PE at Saddleworth School Jenny and her sports leaders for all their help.

Special thanks also go to Julie Roberts from Team Dobcross who helped pull this together too.

The tug of war, some netball events and tag rugby continued the sports for the rest of the weekend with plenty more to come until the games close on Sunday, September 22.

Chairman Stephen Hewitt said: ”Well what a great first day and weekend we’ve had of the 2024 games.

"All the hard work and stress is worth the while when you see all the faces of the competing children having fun and taking part in sports, which is what the games is all about.

"I’d like to thank Mr Frank Rothwell for attending and opening the games for us and I’d also like to thank all the councillors who attended too.

“A massive well done to SASL’s Elizabeth Shaw who read out oath confidently on the day. 

"Congratulations to all the teams who won a trophy on the opening weekend and good luck to everyone for the rest of the games.

"Thanks to all the sponsors for their support, coaches, team leaders and administration staff who help put the games on with all our fantastic blue hoodies too, who without which of all of these the games wouldn’t happen.

“These games are here to get children involved in sport, to make new friends and learn new skills, so its massively important to respect the coaches, umpires and or referee’s and remember what this event is for, getting children involved in sport.

"Please enjoy the rest of the games.”

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