It's all smiles at Blue Coat on results day

Date published: 15 August 2024

There were lots of happy students and families celebrating at Blue Coat yesterday morning as the class of 2024 celebrated some excellent A Level results.

Just under a third of all grades awarded were at A*/A and 60% at A*/B.

Seven students - Edward Lambert (Maths - Warwick), Jack Pennystan (Maths - Oxford), Mizanur Rahman (Physics - Durham), Mohammed Rahman (Maths - Manchester) Ben Rees (Robotics - Loughborough) , Zara Rustidge (Biochemistry - Oxford) and William Webster (Medicine - Manchester) - all achieved the clean sweep and were awarded A* grades in all of their A Level subjects.

With such strong results, it means that Blue Coat students will now be progressing to some of the most competitive courses at some of the most prestigious universities across the country.

A total of 50% of the cohort will go on to study at Russell Group universities next year studying subjects such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, optometry, engineering, architecture, finance, business and law.

In addition to this many students will also start high-quality degree apprenticeships next year, with some starting employment with large national companies, but with many choosing to remain in Oldham to work with the many local businesses that the school has established strong links and employment pathways with.

Headteacher Rob Higgins said: "We are absolutely delighted with the results achieved by our students.

"Once again, our young people have achieved fantastic grades meaning that they can all progress to the next stage of their journey and pursue the future careers and professions that they have always dreamed of.

"We are incredibly proud of what they have achieved this year, and will no doubt continue to be proud of what they go onto achieve in the future.

"The students have worked incredibly hard over the last two years, so it is pleasing to see them rewarded with the grades that they deserve.

"On their behalf, I would like to thank their parents and families for all the support and encouragement that they have provided them with over the years to enable them to develop into such well-rounded young adults.

"I would also like to thank all the staff at Blue Coat for their hard work, commitment, dedication and expertise that has allowed our young people to achieve such strong results but more importantly, to secure such exciting futures.

"We wish them the best of luck in all their future endeavours."

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