Police appeal following attempted robbery on Lees Road

Date published: 08 August 2024

Police officers are appealing for information following an attempted robbery on Lees Road on Tuesday, July 23 at around 8pm.

A woman was driving her car in the direction of Oldham when she came to a stop at a red light at the junction of Broadoak Road, Lees Road and St Christopher's Road.

While stationary, she became aware of someone attempting to open her car door, at which point she looked up to see a male in a balaclava tapping on her driver's side window.

The male then produced a weapon and told her to get out of the car, leaving the key in the ignition.

She said no and drove away, with the male falling off his bike.

As she drove away, she noticed another male with the first - both believed to be on electric or motor bikes.

It is not known which direction they came from or where they went after the incident.

Officers are now appealing for anyone with any information to please get in touch.

This includes any relevant CCTV, dashcam, or doorbell footage from the area of the road / junction at around 8pm.

Sergeant Robert Froggatt, from GMP's Tameside district, said: "This attempted robbery thankfully resulted in no injuries or no property taken, but a woman was understandably left shaken after being threatened by a weapon.

"I would urge anyone with any information to please get in touch with us, as your information could greatly benefit the investigation.

"If you saw anything from around that time, or have any knowledge of what happened, you can contact police via 0161 856 9262, 101, or gmp.police.uk, quoting crime reference number CRI/06GG/0014959/24."

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