GMP thank residents following 'peaceful and lawful' protests last night

Date published: 05 August 2024

Greater Manchester Police chiefs have thanked residents after a largely peaceful night of protests last night (Wednesday).

A list of 39 premises were warned about a potential protest from the far-right last night, as speculation swirled online and through the community throughout the day.

A law firm on Ellen Street in Chadderton that deals with visa applications featured on the rumoured target list.

The warning prompted the adjacent Aldi supermarket on the street to board up its windows for the night.

By 8pm, a trickle of peaceful counter-protesters had started to gather which then turned to dozens and quickly around 150.

However, several GMP police vans were spotted stationed around the area, monitoring the situation and engaging with the community.

Across Greater Manchester it was, thankfully, a quieter night.

A GMP statement, issued this morning at 8am, read: "Policing operations for protests or disorder are often complex, and the eyes of the country are on us.

"We would like to thank residents across Greater Manchester who attended protests last night and expressed their views in a peaceful and lawful manner.

"Many have shown great defiance to disorder and intolerable behaviour, and we would like to reiterate our gratitude to the majority of our law-abiding residents, businesses, and visitors, for their support and determination to keep our communities safe.

"In total, we made seven arrests overnight, all of whom were wanted in connection with disorder from the weekend (3-4 August).

"As a result of a well-resourced and proactive policing operation, we were able to ensure those intent on committing harm were swiftly detained with minimal disruption to the wider public.

"Whilst the evening passed without significant disorder, we are not complacent, and we will continue our proactive approach to ensure anyone participating in criminal activity faces the full force of the law.

"Since we first saw the increase in violent disorder across the country following the tragic events in Southport on Monday 29 July 2024, we have effectively utilised the resources and support of the entire force, with officers out in communities to assure residents, businesses, and faith leaders of our support and determination.

"We recognise that this is an uncertain time for all our communities, and we remain committed to working with you all to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.

"Whilst we have seen an increase in misinformation being circulated online, attempting to fuel divisions, we are proud that our communities are standing against this and working with our officers on the ground.

"So many of our dedicated officers, staff and emergency service colleagues have deployed across the force, day and night, to make sure our communities are safe, and feel safe to have their voices heard.

"We will continue to engage with people across Greater Manchester in the coming days and weeks,

"if you have any concerns, please speak to us.

"If you see information circulating online about possible order, please report this to us so we can investigate and respond.

"We have a proud tradition of actively enabling our communities’ voices to be heard and upholding the democratic right to protest.

"We see large scale events take place peacefully week in, week out, across Greater Manchester, often passing without incident.

"We will not tolerate any incidents of intimidation, abuse, or violence, and Greater Manchester Police will take swift, appropriate action against anyone breaking the law."

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