Riot arrest figure update given by Chief Constable

Reporter: Ethan Davies, Local Democracy Reporter
Date published: 05 August 2024

Cops have arrested 28 people involved in rioting across Greater Manchester last weekend, the Chief Constable has confirmed.

Several men have also been charged for their part in the disorder seen in Piccadilly Gardens and Bolton town centre, with one being fined on Monday (August 5).

More were appearing before judges this morning (Tuesday).

Late yesterday afternoon, the total stood at 23 arrests, according to deputy mayor for policing Kate Green.

The increase of five overnight will be followed by more, Stephen Watson warned.

Speaking on a special BBC Radio Manchester programme, the Chief added: “I know there are seven offenders likely to be in our cells by the close of today.”

Mr Watson called the scenes over the weekend ‘disgraceful’, and dismissed rioters as ‘criminals’.

“We ought not to credit them with more intelligence than they have got,” he went on.

During the ‘In The Hotseat’ phone-in, he credited specialist resources for being the reason why fighting and looting did not descend into outright chaos witnessed in other English towns like Rotherham, where mobs attempted to fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers and block an emergency exit.

“This is something we do have a handle on,” Mr Watson explained.

“We do have capability in Manchester that some forces do not.

“We have, over the last three years, invested in properly trained, capable and w2ell-equipped individuals.

"They are well led - we have some of the most experienced Bronze Commanders in the country.

"We are well-versed in the delivery of tactics in regards to disorder.”

However, he recognised officers ‘are tired’.

The Chief continued: “We have cancelled leave. We have cancelled days off. 

“It’s 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

"But ultimately this is the call of duty.”

His appearance on the radio comes after mayor Andy Burnham urged residents to remember ‘Greater Manchester is better than this’.

“I will personally ensure GMP will have all the resources they need to maintain control of our streets - and law and order in our communities,” he told a press conference.

“All residents in Greater Manchester can be assured we can do everything within our power to keep you safe.”

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