Staying in tune with Whit Friday band contest youth section

Reporter: Ken Bennett
Date published: 01 July 2024

Independent Mercedes-Benz specialists Dronsfields is certainly in tune with the Scouthead and Austerlands Whit Friday brass band contest organisers.

That's because they gifted them a glittering new trophy to be presented to this year’s youth section winner – Dobcross.

The Dobcross Youth Band is a brass band of committed players, aged between six and 18, formed in 1988, and has now grown into a thriving organisation of more than 70 players.

The band enjoyed a successful evening on Whit Friday with a runner-up position at Lees and Springhead as well as capturing the Scouthead and Austerlands youth title. 

Dronsfields has been youth section sponsor at the Scouthead and Austerlands contest for 30 years and readily volunteered to provide a replacement trophy for the one they had provided in the late 1990s.

The Dobcross Youth band has been invited to receive Dronsfields’ new trophy at a presentation evening being held at the Spinners Arms, Woodbrook Road, Springhead, on July 17.

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