Oldham teenagers battle heavy rain and winds to complete DofE bronze awards in a school first

Date published: 20 June 2024

A trio of intrepid students from an EdStart School in Oldham battled the elements to complete a two-day expedition and each secure themselves a highly respected Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award. 

The year 11 students attend EdStart School Oldham, part of a network of nine schools for pupils with special educational needs across Greater Manchester and the Wirral.

This is the first time that students from an EdStart school have undertaken the challenge of a DofE award, in the trust’s 15 year history.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a youth programme that helps young people develop skills, confidence, and resilience through activities, volunteering, and expedition.

On day one of their expedition, the group of EdStart students met with programme leader and English teacher Sam Mellor at Dowry Reservoir in Denshaw before walking to Ogden Reservoir in Milnrow and then on to Shaw in Oldham to camp for the night at Dog Hill Community Scouts Site.

They walked a total of nine miles, trekking through boggy marshland and enjoying the incredible views over the moors.

Despite facing torrential rain and strong winds at the campsite, the teenagers battled on and even managed to build a campfire and cook an evening meal.

On day two, with the weather improving and after a hearty cooked breakfast, the group hiked for six miles, though farmland and through the villages of Saddleworth before completing their expedition at Bishops Park.  

To secure their DofE bronze award, the students have also been working on a variety of tasks over the last six months.

For the volunteering part of their award, they completed weekly litter picking in Oldham town centre for three months, supporting their local community and improving their surroundings.

For skills, they trained in first aid through a St John’s Ambulance 12 week self-teach course.

The physical part of the programme was completed in school PE lessons.

Sam Mellor, DofE lead for EdStart Schools and EdStart Oldham English teacher, said: “What a brilliant experience the expedition has been.

"I am so proud of the students for completing the award, and especially for finishing the expedition considering the weather we encountered.

"They found it tougher than expected but they were resilient, determined and focused.

"They have a lot to feel proud of.

“Our core values at EdStart Schools are Humanity, Progression, Togetherness and Compassion.

"The boys have demonstrated those values perfectly throughout the last six months of their work on the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

"It’s a fantastic achievement that has shown them what they are capable of and it will really help them with securing their next steps after school.”

Liam, a year 11 student who completed the expedition, added: “That was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Some of it was a bit boring, especially when it was raining, but I've had a good time overall and I’m glad I’ve completed it.”

James Lowe, CEO at EdStart Schools, said: “We work hard to raise ambitions and widen the experiences of our students so they can appreciate what they are capable of and what possibilities lie ahead of them.

"Sam’s efforts in driving forward this DofE programme is a clear example of that.

“The boys have been a real credit to the school, their families and themselves.

"We’re all very impressed with the way they’ve tackled this challenge.”

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