Waterhead Academy receive national recognition for outstanding careers provision

Date published: 18 June 2024

Waterhead Academy has been recognised for its high-quality careers provision, during its most recent Quality in Careers Standard Award assessment.

Following the publication of the report, the academy has received national acclaim through having its careers provision showcased through the publication of a best-practise case study on the National Quality in Careers website.

The awarding bodies assessor included the following comments within their report regarding careers provision at Waterhead Academy:

”Career learning is planned and sequenced so that students develop their knowledge and skills in a logical progression.”

“The Careers Leader is dynamic, passionately committed and well supported by senior management and the Governors.

”Careers is embedded well across the curriculum and there is a whole school ethos to CEIAG, which facilitates broader career exploration and aspirations.”

”There is a strong approach to engaging with employers and the community.”

”Students are very positive about the CEIAG that is delivered.”

The National Quality in Careers Standard awarding body publishes best-practise careers education case studies to showcase how some of the good schools and colleges in the country are responding to their statutory duty to secure access to independent careers guidance, to meet the DfE’s Statutory Guidance requirements and to ensure their provision is of the highest quality.

Waterhead Academy has consistently been recognised for its outstanding CEIAG provision throughout recent years.

Furthermore, Neil Wilson, Assistant Principal for Personal Development, is an appointed Senior Leader in Education (SLE) for careers education who works collaboratively with other schools throughout Greater Manchester to develop their careers provision as part of the Bridge GM Careers Network.

Mr Wilson said: "We are delighted with the feedback from the recent Quality in Careers assessment and it is fantastic recognition for staff and students to have a best-practise case study published on the national Quality in Careers Standard website that reflects our whole school commitment to careers education provision."

Waterhead Academy’s case study publication can be be accessed through the National Quality in Careers website link here

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