MyColdhurst street barbecue party brings joy and unity to all

Date published: 06 June 2024

Residents of Coldhurst gathered in celebration for the MyColdhurst Street BBQ Party, which took place on St Hilda's Drive.

The event marked a significant milestone for the community, commemorating their successful alleyways clean-ups and the numerous accomplishments of the MyColdhurst projects over the years.

The MyColdhurst Street BBQ Party was a vibrant affair, featuring a flavourful feast that included sizzling burgers, tandoori chicken wings, succulent chicken tikka, Bangladeshi curry, and biryani.

A variety of drinks and tea were also on offer, ensuring that all attendees were well-fed and refreshed.

Children enjoyed a multitude of activities, from bouncing on the bouncy castle to having intricate henna designs painted on their hands.

They were entertained by "Michael The Magician," who performed mesmerising magic tricks, and Sarah from "Round The Twist," who delighted the young ones with her balloon-making skills.

The event successfully fostered bonds among neighbours, creating a strong sense of community.

The party was graced by the presence of local dignitaries, including councillors, schoolteachers, and representatives from Oldham Action Together.

Their attendance highlighted the importance of community initiatives and the positive impact of collective effort.

Volunteers from the streets of Coldhurst, the MyColdhurst team, and other community members worked tirelessly throughout the day to ensure the event ran smoothly.

Their dedication and hard work were pivotal in making the BBQ party a resounding success.

A highlight of the event was the announcement by Jane from Action Together, who presented MyColdhurst with the Quality in Action Award Certificate.

This accreditation recognized the group's exceptional contribution to the community and further elevated the celebratory atmosphere of the day.

This accreditation recognised MyColdhurst as a proactive, voluntaryled community organisation with key policies in place.

These policies include robust organisational governance, comprehensive safeguarding measures for children and adults, safe recruitment practices, detailed staffing and volunteer guidelines, effective financial policies, equal opportunities policies, and thorough IT and social media protocols.

Additionally, the award acknowledged the group's commitment to health and safety, covering aspects such as risk management, GDPR compliance, and first aid.

Kamal Rob, Chairman of MyColdhurst, said: "This street party was organized to celebrate the success of the Coldhurst community.

"The residents have worked incredibly hard over the last several years to keep their streets and alleyways clean, and this event was a way to celebrate their hard work.

"We are now considering making this an annual event to give back to the community."

Sadrul Alom, Treasurer of MyColdhurst, reflected on the group's journey, adding: "MyColdhurst started as a street cleanup group back in 2018, but over the last several years, the organisation has grown massively.

"We've initiated several projects, including alleyway cleanups and kids' football sessions.

"This event was to celebrate our success and strengthen the bonds within our community so we can continue to work together to make our community better."

The MyColdhurst team would like to thank all supporters who have helped over the years to deliver projects, particularly: The National Lottery Communities Fund, Oldham Council, Action Together , NTL Million Hours Fund, Forever Manchester, Jigsaw Homes, Onward Homes, FCHO and Great Places Housing.

MyColdhurst aims to educate and motivate the people of Coldhurst and surrounding areas to work together to build a clean and sustainable living environment for current and future generations.

The success of the MyColdhurst Street BBQ Party stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together with a common purpose.

For more information about MyColdhurst and how to get involved, visit their Facebook page here or contact their community outreach team.

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